Dear Diary,
I'm reaching out today with a heavy heart. For some time, I've been trying to become my true self, but it's so hard. Every day, I see a face in the mirror that doesn't feel like mine. The facial hair hurts my soul.
I need laser hair removal, which my insurance refused to cover. It's $2,500 I don't have.
On top of that, there are my ADHD medications that help me get through the day better, but the insurance refuses to cover the costs despite confirmed medical requirements.
All together, I need $5,300. It feels impossible.I'm scared, but I have to ask for help.
Today, I made a big decision. I'm going to ask for support. It's scary, but I can't do this alone anymore.
With help, I could look in the mirror and actually see myself. What a gift that would be!
I'm nervous about sharing this, but also hopeful. Maybe someone out there will care enough to make a difference. Their kindness could change everything for me.
Fingers crossed,